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  Case Studies - Young Americans Bank YABarade

Event: Young Americans Bank YABarade

Location: Denver, CO – Cherry Creek area

Client: Young Americans Bank - Serving young people under the age of 22 with customers from ten countries and all 50 states. It is the only bank of its kind in the world.

Client Objectives

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary by involving their customers in the development and presentation of the event.

Skyline Recommendations and Solutions

  • Skyline Talent & Events created the YABarade concept and provided logistics and artistic direction.
  • Presented a fun and creative event that involved and engaged bank customers
  • Concept – 10 sections of the parade, one for each year of the bank’s life and based on bank services including:

Savings section - presented large piggy banks on poles

Checking section - featured a mass of kids in sandwich boards fashioned after checks with hats resembling giant ballpoint pens.

Entrepreneur section - offered walking lemonade stands

Money section - included "cent"-i-pedes and "bill"-i-pedes

International section – procession of flags of different countries, all created by parade participants.


  • The parade route ran through the heart of Cherry Creek, an upscale shopping district attracting a great deal of smiles and positive word of mouth for the bank.
  • The route was half a mile long and took 40 minutes to complete.
  • Parade participants ranged in age from two months to 20 years.
  • Two parade marshals, both born on the bank's birthday, led the procession which included walking floats, crazy hats, costumes, banners, flags, and giant twirlable ribbons, all made by the participants.


“I would like to extend our thanks for all of your tremendous efforts in creating a fantastic birthday parade celebration.”


Skye Griffith   like skyline on facebook Skye on Linkedin follow skye on twitter
"Wow! You guys really know how to throw a party!
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